PCC2 records current and past scores in a file score.cc. It records the standard score as well as all additional scores it receives from PHost through util.dat. At the time of this writing, those are minefield limits and counts.

  • Left, Right: Choose between different views
  • CtrlUp, CtrlDown: (overview) Choose race to highlight
  • CtrlLeft, CtrlRight: (charts) Choose race to highlight
  • D: (overview) Choose different display mode:
    • Normal scoreboard
    • Differences to previous turn (each turn vs. its predecessor)
    • Differences to turn X (each turn vs. turn X)
    • Percentages (relative strength compared to highlighted race, which is taken as 100%)
    • Ratio of total (relative strength compared to all races together)
    • Scores by player vs. Scores by team (like Y key)
  • Y: Toggle whether scores are displayed by player or team (=sum of players in a team)
  • X: Toggle whether scores are displayed as individual lines (default) or cumulative on the diagram views. With cumulative display, the third curve does not contain player 3's score, but the sum of players 1, 2 and 3. This makes it easier to see events like the ship limit or progress of planet colonisation. This kind of diagram is sometimes known as stacked area chart.
  • +, -: (overview) Browse through turns
  • CtrlU: (overview) Unsorted
  • CtrlS: (overview) Sort by score (default)
  • CtrlP: (overview) Sort by planet count
  • CtrlF: (overview) Sort by freighter count
  • CtrlC: (overview) Sort by capital ship count
  • CtrlB: (overview) Sort by base count
  • CtrlX: (overview) Sort by build points

Shortcuts for individual pages are assigned dynamically depending upon which pages are present.

Team scores are only available when any teams are configured.


S from race screen
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.