This dialog allows you to export data into various formats, both human-readable and machine-readable. Use this dialog to set the output format.

The objects to export are selected by the Global Action this is invoked from.

  • Ins: Add a field.
  • Del: Remove a field.
  • CtrlUp/Down: Move a field up or down.
  • Left/Right, +/-: Change field width. By default, PCC2 chooses a width, but you can override it by specifying one. These keys change the width by 10, hold Shift to change by 1, hold Ctrl to change by 100. Note that you can enter negative widths, which are currently identical to positive widths.
  • F: Change output file type.
  • C: Change output file character set.
  • Ctrl+S: Save settings into a file.
  • Ctrl+R: Read settings from a file.
  • Enter: Ask for output file name and do the export.

This feature is also available in the standalone c2export program.

Format of a Settings File

Settings are stored in text files. By convention, these files have the extension ".ccx". Settings files consist of lines of the form "name=value", much like pconfig.src. Empty lines and lines starting with "#" are ignored.

  • Fields=NAME@WIDTH: add a field. This line can occur multiple times to add multiple fields. The "@WIDTH" part is optional. You can also add multiple fields in one assignment by separating them with commas, as in "Fields=Name,Id".
  • Charset=NAME: select character set (optional).
  • Format=FORMAT: select ouput file type (optional).


this function is accessible via global actions to export ships/planets. It is also available using E on the List Ship cargo summary, Fleet Cost comparison, and Ship Building detailed bill.
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at