Distance mode behaves a little different when you invoke it from a ship you play, or from another context. When you invoke it from a ship, PCC2 automatically computes that ship's fuel consumption (as if you had typed F), and starts measuring at that ship's waypoint, not its position. Also, ESC will return to the ship instead of leaving you where you are.

Regular starchart movement keys are accepted.

  • X: Swap start and end point.
  • F: When looking at a ship, compute much fuel this ship would need to cover the requested distance. The ship doesn't have to currently be at the start or end point.
  • W: When a ship has been selected using F, and that ship is at the origin of the measurement, this sets its waypoint to the current position.
  • Backspace: Go back to starting point and exit distance meter.
  • ESC, D: Exit distance mode.


D from starchart
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.