These functions are available globally.
Unlike Elementary Functions, they have a regular syntax:
NameOfFunction(FirstParameter, SecondParameter, ...)
They will always evaluate all parameters, and then execute the function.
You can define your own functions using Function.
- Beam
- CAdd
- CCompare
- CDiv
- CExtract
- Cfg
- CMul
- CRemove
- CSub
- DirectoryEntry
- Distance
- Engine
- FindShipCloningAt
- Format
- FPos
- FreeFile
- FSize
- GetByte
- GetDirectoryName
- GetFileName
- GetLockInfo
- GetLong
- GetStr
- GetWord
- Hull
- InMsg
- IsSpecialFCode
- Launcher
- Listbox
- Lock
- MakeFileName
- Minefield
- Planet
- PlanetAt
- PlanetName
- Player
- Pref
- RAdd
- Random
- RandomFCode
- RLen
- RLink
- RMid
- RString
- RStyle
- RXml
- Ship
- ShipName
- ShipNameAndId
- Storm
- System.Plugin
- Torpedo
- Translate
- Truehull
- Ufo
- Vcr