You can use the Auto Task Screen keys.
Planet Task Commands
- Order Commands:
- SetFCode: self-explanatory.
- Cargo Commands: CargoUnloadAllShips: unload Tritanium, Molybdenum, Duranium, colonists, supplies, and cash from all ships in orbit of this planet. You can edit the command using Space to fit your needs.
- Miscellaneous Commands:
- Notify: generate a message and wait until you confirm it; use this to send reminders into the future (like "have reached waypoint, refuel me")
- SetComment: change planet comment
- WaitOneTurn: wait one turn, performing whatever orders that were given before
- Restart: restart auto task from the beginning
- Keys:
- Enter from planet screen
- Related command:
- UI.GotoScreen
- Keymap:
- AutoTaskScreen
- Script context:
- Planet()