+0 WORD ? +2 4000 BYTEs 500 records of 8 bytes each, for all planets +0 WORD 1 = Auto Sell Supplies on 0 = off +2 WORD preferred mine count +4 WORD preferred factory count +8 WORD preferred defense count +4002 10 BYTEs ? +4012 n BYTEs Auto Waypoints (file format bug -- see below!) +0 6 WORDs 1 = this auto waypoint is enabled +12 6 WORDs Auto Waypoint X coordinates +24 6 WORDs Auto Waypoint Y coordinates +36 6 WORDs Missions (0=no change) +48 6 WORDs ? +60 6x3 BYTEs Friendly Codes +78 6 WORDs Task number (0=none, or 1..10), see TASKx.DAT. +90 6 WORDs 0 = delete this order if completed 1 = repeat
Auto Waypoints
Winplan allows to assign each ship up to 6 waypoints, missions and friendly codes for the future.
The `repeat/delete' flag tells what to do if this order is completed (waypoint reached): if set to `delete', it is removed from the list. if set to `repeat', all tasks are shifted by one position, and this task is placed at the end of the list.
Note that this file format is bogus. For each ship's Auto Waypoint, Winplan reserves 48 bytes (that is, ship #1's record is loaded from +4012, ship #2's record from +4060, etc.), though each record uses 102 bytes. So waypoints for adjacent ship Ids overlap, with garbage being displayed in the auto waypoint window. This makes it impossible to specify auto waypoints for ships with adjacent Ids, and even if the Ids are two apart, you're not safe.
There's a patch to avoid the above problem. It changes the auto task storage to proper 102-byte records, starting at +4012. The file name is changed to NAUTOx.DAT.