[Posting] Re: Configuration
Forum:Pleiades 1
In reply to:Re: Configuration
Date:Tue, 2013-05-14 01:16 GMT

The wanderer pointed out that some options were still missing in the configuration. The game was using PHost's built-in defaults for these, which are very similar (but not 100% identical) to the recommended values for PList 3.2.

EPRecrewScaling                 = 30
EPShipAging                     = 15
EPPlanetAging                   = 10
EPPlanetGovernment              = 40
EPShipMovement100LY             = 60
EPShipHyperjump                 = 60
EPShipChunnel                   = 60
EPShipAlchemy100KT              = 5
EPCombatKillScaling             = 800
EPCombatDamageScaling           = 200
EPCombatBoostLevel              = 0
EPCombatBoostRate               = 100
ExperienceLevels                = 750,1500,3000,6000
ExperienceLevelNames            = Recruit,Soldier,Experienced,Elite,Ultra Elite
ExperienceLimit                 = 9000
ExactExperienceReports          = Yes

I have added these to this game's pconfig.src, and also to the building blocks.

I generally try to keep configurations as short as possible. If you think an option should be there to make the configuration easier to read (even if that option just states a default), feel free to tell me.


So, do we need to copy & paste the above into our pconfig.scr? Just wondering since the information is not in the downloadable pconfig.scr file.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.