[Posting] Re:
From:The wanderer
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Forum:Just a Second
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Date:Thu, 2013-02-28 13:48 GMT

Well I'm dead at this point, Ironic really the very reason I don't build SSDs(or Galleons in this version of the game they are called) kills me the moment I break my own rule, given it was to trade.

I can admit I made a mistake earlier in the game that is 99% sure the reason It happened but hey what are you gonna do :P.

Good Game, i'm out guys!


first ... My English is bad, my German is much better. I don´t like writing in a foreign language.

Second ... Sorry for rob your ship. I hope you continue this game or other games on this server. Not all players are bad like me ;-)

Wenn Du möchtest, dann schreibe mir doch eine Mail. Meine Adresse findest Du in meinem Profil oder schreibe eine PM. Bitte aber in Deutsch :-)

Best regards


P.S.: I´m not the evil it seems to be.