[Posting] Re: Hostrun tuesday 31.03.
Thread:Hostrun tuesday 31.03.
Forum:Pleiades 5
In reply to:Re: Hostrun tuesday 31.03.
Date:Tue, 2015-03-31 19:06 GMT

I cannot give a notice whenever some country starts daylight savings because everyone does that at a different date.

Well that was not my point at all. As Mr.X pointed out I messed up the daylight savings with a usual delayed hostrun, because I assumed that tuesday 0.00 meant 24h later than it actually did.

Good thing I asked nethertheless cause I'ld surely fallen for this trap. :innocent:

However what I would suggest is to write tuesday 0.00 as monday 24.00 because that way there's quite always some time then the server gives a hostrun today even if that is only one hour. But if you write it the first way then a hostrun at 0.00 (wherever on the world that would be the case) means there is no time at all for planetscentral when this turn will be marked as running today. :wink:

An other story: I would like to officially start an election to move the Hostrun to 22:00 CET. At this time I would still check my turn and maybe start adjusting some things - 0:00 is quite late if you have to work the next day...

I don't mind about that. :smile: