# # ExploreMap v2.5 config file # # Lines starting with a '#' are considered as comments # First option is the scan range for each race. The scan range is the # maximum range how far the scanners of each race range. ScanRanges = 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150 # If we don't use random scanning then we'll detect all planets within # scanrange. However, if we don't then we can set a range in which planets # are always detected. This is the DetectRanges config. DetectRanges = 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50 # The second option defines the defense rates of each race. The values are # the percentage at which the enemy scan range is multiplied. # If a race has a defense rate of 60% then their planets can only be # detected if the enemy is closer than 40% of his scan range. # # To make it a formula : Planets of race A are undetectable for race B if # ScanRange_Race_B * (100-DefenseBonusPercent_Race_A) / 100 > Distance DefenseBonusPercent = 0, 20, 40, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # The next 2 options deal with PHOST alliances. They won't work in # HOST games. # The "ShareAlliedPlanets" option will add the position of all allied # planets to the map if the planetary level of the alliance is # enabled. ShareAlliedPlanets = Yes # The "ShareScannedPlanets" option will add the position of all planets # scanned by an ally to the map if the vision level of the alliance is # enabled. ShareScannedPlanets = Yes # The next option decides whether all planets within scan range # are detected or not. If you set "UseRandomScanning" to "no" then # all planets in scan range will be detected. If you set it to "Yes" # then ExploreMap will do a random roll to decide whether the planet # is scanned or not. For details see EXPLMAP.DOC UseRandomScanning = Yes # #/* Added - pjh 2003-10-17 */ # # We all know the phenomenon that you sometimes receive # scan records for planets you don't actually see. # Solution: Teach ExploreMap about utilX.dat. # You automatically see all planets you scan. SensorSweepsCount = Yes # DarkSenseLocates only takes effect if SensorSweepsCount is Yes DarkSenseLocates = Yes