[Posting] PCC 1.99.20
Thread:PCC 1.99.20
Date:Tue, 2013-03-26 20:18 GMT
Edited:Tue, 2013-03-26 20:20 GMT

After downloading and installing the newest version (I uninstalled the previous first) my PCC worked right as it should. (without pictures ;-)

Since I wanted to make use of the new labels dropdown as soon as possible, I did some tests with editing the expr.cc.

First I tried to include a new line into the planetlabels. Which PCC outright ignored. I find that surprising, since I then tried renaming the predefined labels as well as editing them. Which both worked.

However after closing and restarting PCC about a dozen times, always slightly editing the expr.cc PCC began to start slooowly. I had to wait 30 seconds for it to start. I also saw my desktop changing resolution (I start always with fullscreen) before the main menue coming up. I never had that with version 18.

And the worst was the dropdown beginning to lag hard. When I clicked it, the lines would be generated one after another with pcc freezing 10 or more seconds after every line.

Restarting my computer did not help. So the only clue I have is that my previously used expression for the planet label was very long. That long:

Label.Planet = if(0,"",if(1,if(1,if(owner=my.race,if(1,if(natives.tax>0,"N:"&natives.happy$&" "&natives.change$,"")&if(colonists.tax>0," C:"&colonists.happy$&" "&colonists.change$,""),if(factories<factories.max,"yes "&min(supplies,money/3,factories.max-factories),"no")),""),if(owner=my.race,ground.N&"N "&ground.T&"T "&ground.D&"D "&ground.M&"M",natives&natives.gov&" "&natives.race&" "&Temp)),if(1,natives&natives.gov&" "&natives.race&" "&temp,temp$&"°F")))

which are approximately 350 characters. And that was listed 3 times in the "formerly used labels" section.

OK, I am now back to 1.99.18, still without pictures but working smoothly again. :-)